6 Books To Pick Up When You’re In a Reading Rut

September 19, 2021

Whether you’re the kind of person for who reading comes naturally, or like me, you need to try a little harder to make it happen, falling out of the habit can happen to us all, and before you know it your TBR pile is collecting dust and it’s been six months since you last picked up a book, let alone finished one. But whenever reading falls out of my routine I pick up one of the six below types of books and I’m straight back in the habit.


Most ‘must read’ lists are filled with classics and record-breaking literature and although I’m sure Pride and Prejudice and 1984 are great, The Great Gatsby nearly put me to sleep and Animal Farm almost put me off reading ever again, so the only advice I have for someone who wants to get back into reading is to pick up books you love. They may not be the classics that you ‘should’ read or the books that constantly top the ‘must read’ lists. They might be niche, or lame or cheesy, but by starting with things you want to read you’ll develop that reading muscle and down the track you can tackle the heavier and more consuming books that you’ve got your eye on.


So if I was to make a list of the types of books I reach for when I’ve been in a reading slump and need a little inspiration to get back into the swing of things these are the books I’m reaching for…


The One You’ll Laugh Through:
The best books are the ones that make you feel something, and books that make me cry with laughter are always the hardest to put down and easiest to fly through. They work for every mood, you can usually dip in and out of them and you don’t need to mentally decompress after reading like you might need to after a heavy mystery book. Put simply, they leave you in a better mood than they found you.

The Light and Fluffy One:
People are quick to dismiss romantic comedies as fluff, but easy to read doesn’t mean easy to write. I describe these books as light and fluffy, but in no way am I detracting from the author, I think it’s a difficult talent to master to write books that feel effortless to read. I’m on the third book in Lindsey Kelk’s ‘I Heart’ Iseries now, but I’ve already got up to book six sitting on my shelf waiting for me, I’m that sure I’ll need to see Angela through to the end.

The One Where You’ve Seen The Film:
People always say you’ve got to read the book before you watch the film, but sometimes watching the film actually makes you want to pick up books you’d never normally gravitate towards. They also help you put a face and voice to the name so it’s less work to remember who’s who if you leave gaps between reading sessions.


The Really Short One:
Nothing gets me back into the swing of reading more than ticking off a book quickly. It gives me a little boost of ‘see, I can actually finish books!’’ and makes me so much more likely to continue with the habit.

The Nostalgia Hit:
I know JK Rowling has fallen out of popular favour over the last year, but this is a cancel-culture free zone and her books remain some of my favourites. Although written for a younger audience, the Harry Potter series rides the lines between mature and fantastical so brilliantly. Most people are familiar with the films, but if you never read the books before now is a great time to start.

The One That Sucks You In From The First Page:
Nothing helps you get back into the swing of reading quite like a book that hooks you in from the first few pages. Whether it’s a murder on the third page or an wedding in the first chapter, nothing makes me keep reading quite like a great beginning.

I’ve written a blogpost here about all the ways I recommend to easily incorporate reading into your day without it feeling like a chore, and I’ve done another blog post here all about audiobooks if that’s more your thing. But hopefully, this list of genre recommendations might help you if you’re keen to get back into reading but just don’t know quite where to start.

What are your go-to book recommendations? I’m forever adding to my TBR list and always on the hunt for my next favourite read…

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